Versie 1.7.8 MplusKASSA API Service 1.7.8


  • If the rate for a certain VAT-code has not been properly configured in Mplus, the API will now return the following error message: The rate for VAT-code 2 is not properly configured. Please contact API support at

    This prevents the misconfiguration being missed and wrong tax rates being used by our API developers.

  • When the customer is using a Master/Slave setup, it is now possible to set a wait time during which the function saveOrder will wait until the Slave has synchronized a branch order. By default this wait time is set to 0 seconds. In that case the API does not wait at all. There is also an upper limit of 5 minutes.

    By checking the function result you can see whether or not the order has been synchronized to the Slave. When the parameter orderQueued is set to TRUE, the order still has to be synchronized, when it is set to FALSE it has already been synchronized and you can rest assured that the Slave has received the order.

    API > Master/Slave > Wachttijd synchronisatie Master naar Slave
  • The functionality of queueBranchOrder has been combined with saveOrder. This means the API developer no longer has to pay attention to calling the proper function based on the master/slave-configuration of the customer. If the order has been added to the queue of a slave-branch, the function will return a special boolean called orderQueued with value TRUE.

  • Problem solved where turnover groups with accents and other strange characters in their names could not be requested.

  • When retrieving relations the properties active, changeTimestamp and syncMarker are now properly filled out. There is also a new property, createTimestamp.

  • Problem solved in updateRelation that caused failure in updating certain properties of relations, like the active parameter.