Versie 1.8.2 MplusKASSA API Service 1.8.2


  • Added function getCustomFieldList which can be used to retrieve the custom fields from the article, relation and employee layout.

  • getActiveEmployeeList() now also returns the following authorization options for every employee: allowNextCourse,allowSplitandallowPay`.

  • Relation now also contains the property relationCode. Maximum length for this value is 128 alphanumeric characters.

  • The Transaction object now also contains the property extBranchId.

  • The VatGroup object now also contains the property extBranchId.

  • The Order, Invoice and Receipt objects now also contain the following properties: entryExtBranchId en financialExtBranchId.

  • The Payment object in a paymentList now also contains the properties entryTimestamp, branchNumber, extBranchId, workplaceNumber, employeeNumber and employeeName.

  • getProducts() now also supports the onlyActive parameter. When this is set to TRUE, only the active products are returned.

  • getTerminalSettings() now also returns unknownTableAction. This property indicates what should happen when an unknown table is selected.

  • allowTableRetour added to EmployeeName

  • When calling getJournals() the API stores which data served as source for the reply. The requester can add an optional reference.

  • payInvoice() now returns a proper message when a payment fails because the payment method is disabled.

  • New function requestTableOrderCourse() that can be used to request a certain course for a specific table.

  • New function logMistake() which can be used to record a mistake made on a handheld or similar device.

  • New function getTableOrderCourseList() which can be used to retrieve the currently present and already delivered course of a specified branch and table number.

  • Courses have new properties: sequenceNumber, isPresent and isDelivered.

  • New function getCardCategories which can be used to retrieve the categories of the article, relation and employee cards. For example, in the case of relations, these can be "Customer" and "Supplier".

  • The BPE information (Dutch abbrevation that stands for Breakage/Promotion/Own use) is now also added to the article lines. This can be used to differentiatie between actual discounts and "discounts" because of breakage/promotion/own use. The properties used are bpeId (internal identification), bpeDescription (representable description), bpeAmount (amount incl. VAT), bpeAmountExcl (amount excl. VAT).

  • New API function getWordAliases that returns the configured word aliases. Can be used to translate a certain word to another word, like converting "Customer" to "Guest".

  • When retrieving an invoice you can now also see whether an invoice is finalized (finalized) and when (finalizedTimestamp).

  • When sending a message through sendMessage you can now also specify the sender and the messageType. Choose from OK, INFO and WARNING.

  • When retrieving a cash count through getCashCountList the account number of the difference is now also returned through the parameter differenceAccountNumber. The account number of the deposit account is also returned through the parameter depositAccountNumber.

  • You can now use the parameter sinceCashCountNumber to retrieve all cash counts since a certain cash count.

  • The function getJournals now also returns the payment type per payment method, such as: "PAYMENT", "EFT", "SUSPENSE, "DEPOSIT", "BPE".

  • You can now add the finalizeInvoices parameter to a getInvoices request to lock the invoices after retrieving them. Use this when you want to do a one-time export of the invoices to an external system, like accountancy software, to prevent the invoice from being changed anymore in the Mplus POS.

  • When requesting the version number of the API through getApiVersion there is a new parameter called serverDate which returns the set date of the API server and can be used to synchronize external devices with the server.

  • When retrieving cash counts through getCashCountList the first and last id's of the related receipts are also returned, via the properties shiftFirstReceiptId and shiftLastReceiptId. The first and last transaction (shiftFirstTransaction en shiftLastTransaction) now also contain the transaction label via the property transactionString.

  • The following objects now also contains the extBranchId (external reference for the branch): Branch, CashCount, Journal, FinancialGroup and Shift.

  • The API function getEmployees can now also be used with a syncMarker. Read the Sync Marker Tutorial for an in-depth explanation.

  • The API function getTurnoverGroups now also returns the externe account numbers that have been defined for every branch, through the list branchAccountNumberList.

  • API functions that return payment methods per branch (such as getFinancialJournal and getFinancialJournalByCashCount) now also return the correct account number (through the field accountNumber) when this differs from the default account number.

  • API functions that return turnover groups per branch (such as getFinancialJournal and getFinancialJournalByCashCount) now also return the correct account number (through the field accountNumber) when this differs from the default account number.

  • When an API function with customer fields is used (such as createProduct, createRelation or createEmployee) and the customer fields are required, but these are not supplied and don't have a default value, there will be a clear error message.

  • Through the field financialPeriodClosed, getFinancialJournal now also shows whether or not the period for which a financial journal has been requested has officially concluded. It is possible that a financial date doesn't end until 6 AM instead of midnight exactly.

  • Employee can now also be retrieved individually through getEmployee. Additionally, it now also returns the customer field (the customFieldList) and the following standard fields: syncMarker, changeTimestamp, createTimestamp, extraText, categoryId, personNumber.

  • When retrieving, creating and updating relations, it is now also possible to work with customer fields (the customFieldList) and the following standard fields: createTimestamp, bankAccountNumber, creditLimit, paymentWithinDays, vatNumber, commerceNumber, extraText, defaultVatMethod, neverPrintOrEmailReceipt, alwaysPrintReceipt, alwaysPrintLargeFormatReceipt, alwaysEmailReceipt, condenseCombinedInvoice.

  • getTableList() now also returns the information about the highest requested course of each table, through the properties courseNumber, courseName and courseAbbreviation.

  • getJournals can now be called without a branch filter, this will return all available branches.

  • It is now possible to insert and update the customer's card number through createRelation and updateRelation. The name of the field is cardNumber.

  • After running updateOrder it was possible for the API to try to generate a print job for the updated order. However, the wrong id was used for this, causing the updateOrder to crash to a halt with an exception.

  • Discount percentage was accidentally inverted when saving a counter line. This gave problems, for example when calculating the total amount of a line.

  • Negative decimal amounts were not correctly returned. Every amount was rounded to the nearest integer.

  • When running getJournals with a filter for receipts or invoices the list with payments (paymentList) and VAT groups (vatGroupList) will now also be properly filtered.